Sunday, October 12, 2008

How to Overcome Bathing Difficulties - Alzheimer's

Tacoma, WA - Heartwarming Care

Helping individuals with bathing-the entire process of undressing, toileting, washing, drying and dressing-often poses great challenges for caregivers and these challenges may intensify as the individual's illness progresses. Challenges often arise from a person's resistance, fear, embarrassment, distress or disorientation, as well as symptoms of the disease that cause the person, for example, to forget how to undress or how to communicate that the water temperature is uncomfortable. The following are a few strategies to assist with the process:

  • Try to stick to the old routine. It is best to try to maintain the individual's previous bathing preferences such as time of day and frequency, but to make modifications if the individual, for example, wakes up soiled in the morning or tends to exhibit sundowning behaviors towards evening.
  • Safety first. Take precautionary measures to ensure the individual's safety such as never leaving the person unattended, installing no-skid surfaces and grab bars in the showers and bathtubs, adjusting the hot water heater to prevent scalding, always approaching the individual from the front and eliminating distractions.
  • Keep it comfortable. Adjust the room temperature so it is comfortable for disrobing. Following the bath or shower, have the individual stay in a warm room during drying and then quickly follow with dressing.
  • Think over communication. Try to use simple words and one-step directions. If the individual has trouble understanding try using non-verbal gestures to assist with instructions. Be patient, and reassuring while smiling and speaking calmly.
  • Maintain dignity. Give the individual as much independence as his or her abilities will allow, while always ensuring the person's dignity throughout the process. Speak directly and make eye contact.

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