Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How is Alzheimer's disease diagnosed? Part 2 of 5

There are some medical conditions and medications that can cause changes in thinking, so your doctor will investigate any other potential causes of your cognitive problems. The only way to confirm AD is to examine brain tissue directly. Since this is not practical, doctors use interviews with the patient and a group of tests to determine the likelihood that the disease is present. This evaluation includes a detailed medical history, medication history, physical examination, and mental status and memory exams. Your doctor will perform some standard medical tests in addition to a series of psychological exams to see what is causing memory problems. Brain scans and blood tests will also be used to help rule out other causes of dementia.

How you can prepare for this discussion

  • List any past or current medical conditions and their treatments
  • List all the prescription, over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements you are taking
  • Gather any available medical records, laboratory tests and procedures reports performed in the past

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